responsive websites for your business

Responsive Website: The Tool You Need to Be Competitive Online

With 63% of internet traffic coming from mobile devices, a responsive website is an absolute necessity. In a world of digital chaos, small businesses struggle to stand out online. If you want to know more, read this blog.

A website is the face of a business; therefore, it needs to be easy to use and reflect professionalism and the quality of product or services. A website that is difficult to navigate on mobile will not capture the attention of the visitor, who is most likely to move to a competitor’s website.

What is a responsive design?

In a few words, a responsive website is a site that adapts as much as possible to the different devices it is displayed on. The layout of a website will be displayed differently on a laptop than on a tablet or a mobile device.

Connect with your audience

In 2021, Datareportal said 5.22 billion people used the internet on mobile devices, which is 66.6% of the global population. Your business success is dependent on how you reach prospects and tell them about your services and products.

A responsive design is key to your business. Combine it with a website and content strategy, and you’ll ensure your website provides a seamless user experience, engages visitors, and converts potential customers. Responsive design means your site will adapt to different devices, so your website is accessible and user-friendly for the majority of people who browse on mobile devices.

On the other hand, maintaining a website that is not mobile-responsive leads to a poor user experience, driving prospects to your competitors.

Google favours Responsive Web Designs

When a Google user enters a query in the search bar, Google crawls the internet for website pages that offer the best answer and refines its search results with the help of AI and Machine Learning.

Google’s algorithm takes many factors into account when ranking websites, including the quality of the content and the overall quality of the website itself. This also includes aspects like how fast your site loads and how well it works on mobile devices.

Responsive websites load faster than unresponsive ones. The optimal loading speed for a mobile website is under 3 seconds.

Having a responsive website gives your site credibility from Google’s point of view. Therefore, if you need to connect with local residents and be found on search engines, having a mobile-responsive website is a must.

Get a higher ROI

As responsive designs are preferred by Google, they will help you increase your SEO results and, therefore, SEO ROI. SEO is a significant investment, and a non-responsive design will decrease its efficiency.

Investing in a responsive website is a little more expensive than a “basic” website; however, it will enable you to get and convert more leads, making it a profitable investment in the long term.

A responsive design improves the user experience and, therefore conversion rates, which will provide you with a better cost-to-lead ratio.

How do you make a website responsive?

The goal of user experience (UX) is to make the visitor’s experience on your site as easy and nice as possible. Simplifying the interaction between the visitor and the technology is key when designing a site. But the user experience can vary depending on your target audience. Age, education, and career affect how users interact with a mobile-responsive site.

For example, while millennials and younger generations find mobile interfaces intuitive, older adults find them more complicated. So, designing for multiple user groups means considering these differences.

When working with the NDIS, our team prioritised simplicity in mobile responsiveness. Since the primary users were likely disabled individuals or older adults, we made the layout super simple, the contact button easy to find, and the font size larger for readability.

When working with an international wine merchant, we focused on language switching on mobile without long scrolling or multiple pages. The mobile interface design had to be as slick as possible to meet the expectations of a global audience.

In summary

A responsive website is the tool you need to be competitive online nowadays; without it, you will most likely lose opportunities to your competitors. Responsiveness is the capability of a website to adapt to a device. But it must also consider the target audience’s ability to use the device and their goals.

Looking for a professional and high-converting website? Contact our agency today!

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